Buses Nilahue is an intercity bus company that was founded in 1957 in Santiago. Buses Nilahue offers services between Santiago, the Region O'Higgins and the Region of Bio Bio. Currently, Buses Nilahue sells tickets for important destinations Santiago a PichilemuChillánConcepciónSan Fernando and Santa Cruz. On the route to Santiago y Concepción, Buses Nilahue competes directly with Tur BusEME Bus and Pullman Bus. The buses of Nilahue from Santiago out of the Terminal Sur and from conception of the Terminal Concepción (Collao)

Overview Nilahue
Foundation 1957
National destination 29
Bus fleet 69
Popular destinations Chillán, Concepción, San Fernando, Pichilemu
Departures Santiago Terminal Sur 

Offices and phone numbers of Buses Nilahue

Destinations of Buses Nilahue

XIII Region Metropolitana

Santiago Terminal Sur

VI Region Bernardo O’Higgins

Cahuil, Nancagua, Peralillo, Litueche Marchigue

PichilemuTerminal Pichilemu

Rancagua Terminal Rancagua - O’Higgins

San Fernando Santa Cruz

VIII Region of Biobío

Cabrero, Chillán, Cobquecura

ConcepciónTerminal Concepción - Collao

Nipas, San Carlos, Tucapel, Yumbel

IX Region of Araucanía

TraiguénVictoria, Villarrica

Seat categories

Buses Nilahue has the following categories of seats:

-Clásico: Buses equipped with soft seats with a recline of 55º, heating and service on board.

-Semi Cama: Buses provided with leather seats with 60 º of recline, air conditioning, heating, tray support for feet, pillows and blankets, along with service on board.

-Ejecutivo: Buses fitted with wide leather seats with a recline of 60º, more space between seats, air conditioning, heating, tray support for feet, pillows and blankets, along with service on board

The ministry of transport and telecomunication evaluates every 6 months the security of Buses Nilahue. According to the ranking "Ranking N° 10 de Infracciones cursadas a Buses Interurbanos del Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones" (Spanish content only) Buses Nilahue has a average violation rate of 12,83%.



The ranking of violation of Buses Nilahue in detail:


% of violation

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2016 11,9% 01.01.2016 - 30.06.2016 16,2%

01.07.2015 - 31.12.2015


01.01.2015 - 30.06.2015
