Queilen Bus is a company of Intercity buses which was founded in Queilen, a small town on the island of Chiloe. Queilen Bus has presence in the area south of Chile as well as in the “Region Metropolitana” and operates under the slogan "a company of Chiloé to its service". Queilen Bus headquarter is located in the city of Castro. Currently, Queilen Bus offers passages to several cities in the South of Chile, as Santiago a Puerto MonttCastro and Ancud. On the route,  Santiago a Castro, Queilen Bus competes directly with companies like Buses Cruz del SurTur Bus and Pullman Bus. From Santiago, Queilen Bus buses depart from the Terminal Sur.

Ratings of Queilen Bus

4.2 of 5 stars

On average, Queilen Bus has a rating of 4.2 out of 5 points on recorrido.cl. This rating is based on the comments of 1633 travelers during the last 6 months who evaluated the 3 categories: punctuality, service on board and quality of the bus.

Highlighted opinions from travellers

Marcelo Adrian A. on 03/25/2025

Viaje excelente. Buen servicios a bordo. La maquina buenísima. Feliz con el viaje

Pablo M. on 03/24/2025

buena puntualidad

Jessica T. on 03/23/2025


Offices and phone numbers of Queilen Bus

  • Rancagua - Terminal de Buses O'Higgins
    Av. Bernardo O’higgins 0587, Rancagua, O'Higgins
    063-2224 665
    See on Google Maps
  • Temuco - Terminal de Buses de la Araucania
    Vicente Pérez Rosales 01609, Temuco
    (Terminal de Buses)
    063-2224 665
    See on Google Maps
  • Castro - Terminal Municipal
    San Martin 667, Castro (Terminal Municipal de Castro)
    065-632 173
    See on Google Maps
  • Osorno - Terminal de Buses
    Errázuriz 1400, Osorno
    064-226 0025
    See on Google Maps
  • Puerto Montt - Terminal de Buses
    Av. Diego portales 1001, Puerto Montt
    (Terminal de Buses)
    065-253 468
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Terminal Sur
    Av. Bernardo O’Higgins 3850 (Terminal Sur)
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Terminal Sur
    Av. Bernardo O’Higgins 3850 (Terminal Sur)
    See on Google Maps
  • Rancagua - Terminal de Buses O'Higgins
    Av. Bernardo O’higgins 0587, Rancagua, O'Higgins
    063-2224 665
    See on Google Maps
  • Temuco - Terminal de Buses de la Araucania
    Vicente Pérez Rosales 01609, Temuco
    (Terminal de Buses)
    063-2224 665
    See on Google Maps
  • Valdivia - Terminal de Buses
    Anfión Muñoz 360, Valdivia
    063-224 665
    See on Google Maps
  • Achao - Terminal de Buses
    Avenida Miraflores 02, Achao, Los Lagos
    065-661 345
    See on Google Maps
  • Castro - Terminal Municipal
    San Martin 667, Castro (Terminal Municipal de Castro)
    065-632 173
    See on Google Maps
  • Puerto Montt - Terminal de Buses
    Av. Diego portales 1001, Puerto Montt
    (Terminal de Buses)
    065-253 468
    See on Google Maps
  • Queilen - Terminal de Queilen Bus
    Pedro Aguirre Cerda 215, Queilen, Los Lagos
    065-611 235
    See on Google Maps

Seat categories of Queilen Bus

- Clásico: Seats with a maximum recline of 55 degrees, air conditioning / heating, TV / DVD, pillow and blankets, along with auxiliary service on long distance trips.

-Semi Cama: Seats with a maximum recline of 60 °, tray of support for feet, air conditioning / heating, TV / DVD, pillow and blankets, together with auxiliary service on long distance trips.

-Cama: Extra wide seats with a maximum recline of 65 °, tray of support for feet, air conditioning / heating, TV / DVD, pillow and blankets, together with auxiliary service on long distance trips.

The ministry of transport and telecomunication evaluates every 6 months the security of Queilen Bus. According to the Ranking "Ranking N° 10 de Infracciones cursadas a Buses Interurbanos del Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones" (Spanish content only) Queilen Bus has a average violation rate of 10,9%.



The average violation rate ranking of Queilen Bus in detail:


% of violations

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2016 17,1% 01.01.2016 - 30.06.2016 10,7% 01.07.2015 - 31.12.2015 9,5% 01.01.2015 - 30.06.2015 6,3%