EME Bus is an intercity bus company founded in 1991 in the city of Concepción. EME Bus started with services between Santiago, Concepción, and Tomé and focuses now on providing bus services around the centre of Chile. EME Bus sells tickets for several important destinations like for example Santiago a ConcepciónRancaguaToméLota y Talcahuano. All EME buses are equipped with Wi-Fi internet, and the company is known for its high-quality service and awareness for safety. On the route between Santiago and Concepcion, EME Bus is in direct competition with other tour operators like Tur BusPullman Bus and Pullman Tur. In Santiago, EME buses depart from the Terminal Sur and in Concepción from the Terminal Concepción (Collao)

Overview EME Bus
Foundation 1991
Contact phone 600 6000 530
Santiago - Concepción From $10.500
Concepción - Valparaíso From $12.500
Santiago - Talcahuano From $10.500


  1. What is the phone number of EME Bus?
    1. The number of the call-center s is 600 6000 530 
    2. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  2. Do they offer a cargo services?
    1. No, EME Bus does not offer cargo services
    2. More information about luggage restrictions can be found on https://www.emebus.cl/view/details/equipaje.jsp
  3. What are the favorite destinations of EME Bus?
    1. The favorite destinations are Santiago, Concepción, Tomé, Lota and Talcahuano
  4. Can I cancel my tickets?
    1. You can only cancel the tickets directly via internet on recorrido.cl (NOT in the agency), until 4 hours before the departure of the bus. For every cancellation, 15% of the ticket price will be retained (Art. 67 D.S 212). Realice the cancellation on http://anulacion.recorrido.cl.indicating your booking reference and Email.
  5. From which terminals does EME Bus leave?
    1. In Santiago. the buses leave from the Terminal Sur
    2. In Concepción, the buses leave from the Terminal Collao

Ratings of EME Bus

4.3 of 5 stars

On average, EME Bus has a rating of 4.3 out of 5 points on recorrido.cl. This rating is based on the comments of 29566 travelers during the last 6 months who evaluated the 3 categories: punctuality, service on board and quality of the bus.

Highlighted opinions from travellers

Paola S. on 03/26/2025

Muy buen servicio

Edgardo N. on 03/26/2025


Daniel Esteban S. on 03/26/2025

El personal del bus muy amables todos

Offices and phone numbers of EME Bus

  • Viña del Mar - Terminal de Buses
    Av. Valparaiso 1055, Viña del Mar
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Terminal Sur
    Av. Bernardo O’Higgins 3850 (Terminal Sur), Santiago
    +56 2 2778 7054
    See on Google Maps
  • Los Ángeles - Terminal de Buses Santa Maria
    Av. Sor Vicenta 2051, Los Ángeles
    See on Google Maps
  • Tomé - Parada de Buses EME de Tomé
    Soto Mayor 1080, Tomé
    See on Google Maps
  • Rancagua - Terminal de Buses O'Higgins
    Av. Bernardo O’higgins 0587, Rancagua
    (Terminal de Buses O'Higgins)
    See on Google Maps
  • Concepción - Terminal de Buses Collao
    Tegualda 860, Concepción (Terminal Collao)
    See on Google Maps
  • Valparaíso - Terminal de Buses
    Av. Petro Montt 2831 (Terminal de Buses), Valparaíso
    See on Google Maps
  • Viña del Mar - Terminal de Buses
    Av. Valparaiso 1055, Viña del Mar
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Providencia
    Francisco Noguera 36, Santiago
    +56 2 2335 0412
    See on Google Maps
  • Santiago - Terminal Sur
    Av. Bernardo O’Higgins 3850 (Terminal Sur), Santiago
    +56 2 2778 7054
    See on Google Maps
  • Rancagua - Terminal de Buses O'Higgins
    Av. Bernardo O’higgins 0587, Rancagua
    (Terminal de Buses O'Higgins)
    See on Google Maps
  • Angol - Terminal de Buses
    General Bonilla 428, Angol (Terminal de Buses)
    See on Google Maps
  • Chillán - Terminal Maria Teresa
    Avda O’Higgins 010, Chillán
    See on Google Maps
  • Concepción - Terminal de Buses Collao
    Tegualda 860, Concepción (Terminal Collao)
    See on Google Maps
  • Los Ángeles - Terminal de Buses Santa Maria
    Av. Sor Vicenta 2051, Los Ángeles
    See on Google Maps
  • Nacimiento - Terminal de Buses Los Notros
    Avda. Julio Hemmelman 1115, Nacimiento
    See on Google Maps
  • San Pedro de la Paz
    Av Pedro Aguirre Cerda 1055, San Pedro, San Pedro de La Paz, Biobío
    See on Google Maps
  • San Pedro de la Paz - Los Mañios
    Los Mañíos 7048, San Pedro de la Paz
    See on Google Maps
  • Santa Barbara - Terminal de Buses Aranguiz
    Baquedano Nº 999, Santa Barbara
    See on Google Maps
  • Talcahuano - Terminal de Buses Félix Adan
    Avda. La Torre 10, Talcahuano
    See on Google Maps
  • Tomé - Parada de Buses EME de Tomé
    Soto Mayor 1080, Tomé
    See on Google Maps

Destinations of EME Bus

Region of Valparaíso

Valparaíso Terminal Valparaíso

Viña del Mar Terminal Viña del Mar

XIII Region of Metropolitana

Santiago Terminal Sur

VI Region of Bernardo O’Higgins

Rancagua Terminal Rancagua - O’Higgins

VIII Region of Biobío

Arauco, Bulnes, Chillán

ConcepciónTerminal Concepción - Collao

Los ÁngelesTerminal Santa Maria de Los Ángeles

Lota, Mulchén, Quillón, San Carlos

Talcahuano – Terminal Felix Adan

Tomé – Parada EME Bus de Tomé

IX Region of Araucanía

Angol – Terminal de Angol

Seat categories

EME Bus has the following categories of seats:

  • “Semi cama”: Seats with a maximum of 60º reclining. Tray support for feet, pillows, blankets, service on board, TV and mobile TV
  • “Cama”: Comfortable seats with a maximum 65 ° recline. Tray support for feet, pillows, blankets, service on board, TV and mobile TV.
  • “Cama Suite”: Comfortable seats with a maximum recline of 180º, night kit (bag for shoes, blankets, pillows), privacy, individual headphones, air conditioning, service on board, TV and mobile TV. (This option is the equivalent to the “Cama Premium” of other companies).

The ministry of transport and telecomunication evaluates every 6 months the security of EME Bus. According to the Ranking "Ranking N° 10 de Infracciones cursadas a Buses Interurbanos del Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones" (Spanish content only) the company has a violation rate average (last 4 rankings) of 1,83%. EME Bus is one of the safest bus companies in Chile and was featured as Chile´s safest company in the ranking of 2015.   



The "ranking of violation" of EME Bus in detail :


% of violation

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2016

2,3% 01.01.2016 - 30.06.2016 1,0%

01.07.2015 - 31.12.2015


01.01.2015 - 30.06.2015
